Logitech what have you done?

I have commented before that my all time favourite gadget is the Logitech Squeezebox 3 or Classic as it is also known.

Basically it’s a networked media player that connects to your hi fi and allows you to stream music from a server or from Logitech’s cloud based radio service.

The software on the server used to be called Squeezecenter then Squeezebox Server but has only relatively recently become Logitech Media Server and in my case it resides on a 4 disk raid 5 QNAP TS-419P.

The Squeezebox range of players really has only one serious competitor – Sonos – which is quite a bit more expensive and quirky in some ways.
Continue reading Logitech what have you done?

Q – Just how fast is fibre broadband ?

A – Easily fast enough to be in a hotel and make a VPN connection on my iPhone (3G connection via wifi dongle) to the office and stream music using iPeng.
I did try this before when we had old fashioned ADSL and it worked but not sufficiently well to be useable. Now it’s excellent quality sound. What would you like to listen to ?

Anti social

Sitting in the living room with Jane. She’s watching TV and I am listening to music on my headphones. No surprise really but it is all through the same bit of kit.
In the picture below you can see the setup. Her TV (Sky) played through my Onkyo receiver. Also through the Onkyo but on Zone 2 is my Logitech Squeezebox (controlled via my iPhone). Out of shot is separate amp and headphone basestation. The cabling is under the carpet.
